Too Pretty to Get a Date

Recently I read an interesting article on the Loveawake dating site blog about the “concept” of strikingly beautiful women having trouble finding dates because men are afraid to approach them but the general rule is, there is no shortage of men waiting in line to get next to the hottest chick in the entire effing place.

On that note, I’m going to have to call utter hogwash.

Men do go after the hot chick because they want a trophy, a couple of top grade notches sewn into their jock straps, and to have something to brag about while they’re tossing around sweat at the gym with their buddies. And a beautiful woman walking into a place full of men is like dangling a bloody chunk of Chateaubriand in front of a set of famished pitbulls- she couldn’t pry them off with a crow bar and pepper spray if she tried.

So you got these self-proclaimed larger-than-life chicks who cry lonely wolf “yay look at me” tears because they can’t get a date.

Well, for those of you, and those otherwise, who might fall into this category who may be reading this, let me say just one thing:

There are A LOT of other women out there in the world who can’t find dates either, good looking or not. You’re no different.

It’s true, there is no argument that there are men who are intimidated by certain women, but there are OTHER reasons why this is so. There are reasons amounting to total horseshit as well as there are those that are worth their weight in solid gold.

Horse Pucks Illegitimizing “I’m Too Hot to Trot”

You Are Not Approachable

With the “my shit smells sweeter than yours” over confident-type cocky affect being flung at him, of course he’s not going to ask you out. The same goes the case if you’re too timid or awkward and unsure because you feel HIS shit doesn’t stink enough.

When we feel unworthy or too worthy of ourselves, we put out a vibe that we don’t want anyone coming near us because we are either afraid, bothered, or apathetic. Why in the hell would we expect anyone to reach out to us, much less ask us out?


If you’ve never had a nice effing thing to say about anything or anyone to save your life, or if you constantly throw back gossip, obnoxious insults and crude and disgusting foulness (i.e. the concept of being a lady is foreign to you), HE’S NOT GOING TO WANT TO TAKE YOU OUT. Why? Because you’re a big drag and to top it off, he doesn’t want to be seen with you.

No SANE dude wants his style cramped by some hag belching and trash talking everyone all night, who has a piss and puss attitude. If he wanted that, he’d ask his little sister out on a date.

You Put Out the Vibe of Being Desperate/Lonely

I’ve said it many times before, men can smell desperation hiking a mile down the runway the way they can smell putrid cow pies permeating the air miles down the road from the dairy farm. And it’s the last thing they ever want to get involved with.

Desperate and lonely women have a flair for indication that they are wanton, overly anxious and ready to skip all the way to third base in order to forsake having to beat singledom out of their lonely hide. And that kind of crap scares the hairs off a dude’s rear end quicker than he can kick himself for letting you get by.

You Fail to Take Notice of the Men Who Are Interested in You

Trust me, if you’re THAT effing pretty, there are plenty of guys who are noticing you- guys who want to ask you out. They’re just guys you’d never consider going out with.

Thus is also the case for the “not so pretty” ones as well (such dog crap to have to sit here and classify people by the way they look). I know a lot of “average” girls and girls who are “less than” what most people would consider date worthy, yet they get plenty of dates. Hmmmm…..

You’re Too Competitive and/or Sexually Aggressive

I exerted aggression in my formative years. There was a guy I was crushing on at school and I went out of my way to stand close to him and to make cat-calls (I don’t know if you can refer to yelling and whistling at men as cat-calling), not long before I told everyone he was my boyfriend after only a few days of making brief conversation.

Needless to say, he cut me off quicker than the time it took me to figure out what happened. POOF he was gone.

Yup I chased him alright, chased him away forever.

Legit Hit and Miss

You Have a Ton of Class and It’s Too Much For Him

There are a lot of women who exude just the right amount of sophistication, confidence and appeal to send men into a tailspin, yet they unfortunately drive them away from any itty bitty inkling they stand a chance.

Maybe you’re a well-educated professional, maybe you’re a very private person, or maybe you have so much talent, wit, and intelligence he feels he doesn’t measure up.

If a man finds you THAT intimidating in this respect and doesn’t have the confidence to try his hand at winning, let him lose. YOU PROBABLY ARE TOO GOOD FOR HIM. Men who know what they want, go after it- much in the same way that you do.

Just keep doing your thing because you’re leaving the opportunity open for the right guy to come along WHO IS worthy enough to be with you.

He Thinks A Lot of Men Are Already After You

Just like a pack of angry salivating wolves don’t want to have to compete for the top spot, men don’t want to have to compete and stumble over each other for the same woman, ESPECIALLY since there are a lot of other women they could be dating.

So if his buddies like you, his buddies’ buddies like you, and so do the rest of the entire male populations’ buddies and brohams, he’s not going to try. Instead he’s going to stand there swinging from the pendulum of self-doubt.

If this is the type of guy diggin’ you, you’re going to have to give him subtle cues. Remember the keyword is subtlety. When you’re already fine-tuned, the need to go overboard is obsolete.

You’re Not Easy Enough

Some dudes like their women easy- in every way. They like their women demure, submissive, sullen, and delicate.

Or they like them drunken, sexed-up and ready to lay it down on the concrete bare ass in broad daylight.

Some dudes want what they can easily an undermine, control, and conquer and if you’re subversive, challenging, unhindered and downright FEISTY, it can be off-putting to your advantage. Therefore you get to be put off and unburdened by these wimps indefinitely.

If that’s the case, it isn’t so bad is it? Besides, you’re not keen on being someone else’s mortar slathered between the bricks- you can hold yourself up on your own.

They’re Afraid of Getting Shot Down

A lot of men don’t ask women out primarily because they are paralyzed with fear of rejection. Think about it, how many times have you heard a man say he’s been repeatedly turned down? It is the tale of a not-so-whimsical woe for many a men.

And you can add insult to injury if he’s seen you turn other men down before. Perhaps you gave him a vibe that you have no interest in him at all, or that you’re interested in someone else- either way, he sees this as fertile ground for rejection.

Unfortunately, if you keep shooting too many dudes down, eventually there won’t be any left. Bummer huh?

In conclusion:

The whole “I’m Too Pretty For My Own Good” dilemma is nothing but smoke signals puttering away out of someone’s lonely, obnoxious, delusional and attention-starved rear end. Pretty only gets you so far, and it certainly isn’t a compliment if the only reference a man can make about you is that you are pretty full of yourself.

The damsel in distress excuse of “I’m Too Pretty” is a psycho yet banal yawn worthy-symphony of “Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful” evaporating dog piles.

Fine tune your attitude, your affect and your understanding of yourself and who you REALLY are and try earnestly to be the best woman you can be- the woman who always gets the man.

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